Sunday, December 14, 2008

The 43rd Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo 第43屆工展會

13 December 2008 – 4 January 2009 (total 23 days)
Victoria Park, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

The theme of this year’s HKBPE is “Riding on Past Success, Striving for Future Excellence”. More than 750 booths manned by over 360 exhibitors will be located in various zones of the Expo, namely the “Hong Kong Brands Square”, “Food & Beverages Zone”, “Organic & Green Food Zone”, “Grocery & Noodles Zone”, “Ginseng, Dried Seafood & Soup Packs Zone”, “Beauty & Healthcare Zone”, “Fashion & Stylish Products Zone”, “Living & Household Zone”, “Children’s Corner” and “Food Plaza”, offering a wide spectrum of well-established and newly emerged Hong Kong brands and products, and providing greater shopping fun for visitors.

今屆工展會以「建基過去 奮發現在 展望將來」為主題,設有750個攤位,參展商超過360個,分佈於「香港名牌廣場」、「食品‧飲料區」、「有機‧綠色食品區」、「糧油‧麵食區」、「蔘茸海味‧湯料區」、「美容‧保健區」、「服飾‧精品區」、「生活‧家居區」、「兒童天地」及「美食廣場」等十個主題展區,匯聚眾多歷史悠久的香港名牌及新興品牌於一堂,產品更多元化,入場市民必能滿載而歸。

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