Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hong Kong Flower Show 2008 香港花卉展覽

Hong Kong Flower Show 2008 will be held from 14 to 24 March 2008 at Victoria Park in Causeway Bay. Featuring "Gerbera" as its theme flower, the event will showcase this exquisite plant and a rich profusion of exquisite potted plants, beautiful floral arrangements and gorgeous landscape displays by organizations from local, the Mainland and overseas. 二零零八年香港花卉展覽將於二零零八年三月十四日至二十四日在香港銅鑼灣維多利亞公園舉行。市民除了可以欣賞到花型秀麗、顏色奪目的主題花「太陽花」及各地的花卉之外,更可以觀賞到來自本地、內地及海外園藝機構展出悉心栽培的盆栽、造型優美的花藝擺設,以及色彩繽紛的園景設計。

Gerbera 太陽花

View all photos: CLICK HERE

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