Sunday, October 14, 2007

Chung Yeung Festival 重陽節 (China Trip 13 & 14 Oct)

My China Home - (Grave-Sweeping 掃墓)
It is another major festival to respect and remember ancestors. During the Han Dynasty, a man followed the advice of a sage to take his family to a high place. On returning, they found floods and sickness had destroyed everything. On this holiday, everyone visits mountain tops to ward off future disasters, many goto visit, sweep and honor the cemeteries.

My China home has a new Park next to our house
Lok Ma Chau Station 落馬洲站

The Lok Ma Chau Spur Line provides a fast and convenient new way for passengers to cross the boundary and travel to Shenzhen. To get there, passengers can simply board a train heading for Lok Ma Chau at any station between East Tsim Sha Tsui and Sheung Shui along East Rail. No interchange is required. Lok Ma Chau Station is linked to the joint inspection building at Shenzhen Futian Control Point and the Huanggang Station of the Shenzhen Metro via a fully-covered pedestrian footbridge. 全新的落馬洲支線為乘客提供快捷方便的過境鐵路服務,前往深圳各區。乘客只須於東鐵尖東至上水任何一個車站登上前往落馬洲站的列車,便可直達落馬洲站,中途毋需轉車。落馬洲站設有一條有蓋行人天橋,接連深圳福田口岸的聯檢大樓及深圳地鐵皇崗站。

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