Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hong Kong Gold Coast 香港黃金海岸

Hong Kong Gold Coast (Yacht Club & Shopping Mall)Dolphin Square was built at the tip of Golden Beach. At the centre of the circular square is a sculpture of three gold dolphins representing peace, freedom and happiness. The sculpture is 9 m high, 6.45 m wide and 11m long. 海豚像高9米、闊6.45米、長11米,由兩大一小的海豚組成,形態彷如由海中躍出,動感十足,配以特別燈光效果,使金光閃閃的海豚像,於日夜間產生不同景緻,各具特色。
Dinner at Boston Restaurant 波士頓餐廳 (Wanchai - Luard Road)

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