Saturday, November 11, 2006

Relocation of the Hong Kong Star Ferry Pier 告別中環天星碼頭與鐘樓

49-year-old Star Ferry pier in Central
見 證 了 香 港 半 世 紀 變 遷 的 中 環 天 星 碼 頭 與 鐘 樓

View all photos: CLICK HERE

Relocation of Ferry Services from Edinburgh Place Ferry Pier to Central Ferry Pier Nos. 7 & 8. The four ferry services currently operating at the Edinburgh Place Ferry Pier and a berth at Edinburgh Place outside City Hall will be relocated to Central Ferry Pier Nos. 7 and 8 with effect from Sunday (November 12) in order to tie in with the Central Reclamation Phase III Project.


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